Welcome to our website!

 Historical science is an intellectual discipline endeavouring to understand the past of the society, the nation as well as the mankind to which we all belong, and thus to help people to understand the problems of the present and to indicate the direction for the future. In the past historians made remarkable achievements in this respect, and still today many scholars in Korea and abroad are actively engaged in this endeavour.

 In this regard, the Korean National Committee of Historical Sciences attempts to render assistance to Korean historians in their communication and exchanges among themselves as well as with foreign scholars and to furnish necessary information on recent developments in this field.

 As the President of the Korean National Committee I would like to extend to all of you my cordial invitation to this website, and welcome you to participate in the joint enterprise of exchange of historical knowledge as well as academic information.

September, 2016

                                               KIM Ho Dong, Ph. D. (Professor, Seoul National University)

                                               Korean National Committee of Historical Sciences



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